The 'Sunbooks' series is a collection of A6-sized booklets about competencies and other psychological topics. The booklets explore each subject with insights from experts. They are available at various (online) bookstores and cost Euro 10.00 each.
This booklet explores various aspects of decision-making, including the importance of reality, expectations, decision pressure, priorities, intuition, and dealing with doubt. It also covers different cognitive biases and provides practical tips and strategies for making better decisions. Having a realistic perspective is crucial when making a decision. It is important tot understand the situation, allowing you to gather facts and set priorities.
Adaptability, or AQ, is increasingly recognized as an essential factor for a happy life; it may even be more important than IQ and EQ. Adaptability can help you stay happy, even when facing challenges. Learning to manage your emotions and maintaining a positive mindset contibute to your adaptability. It also involves being flexible in dealing with change and effectively managing stress that may arise.
Chronic people-pleasing often stems from insecurity and need for validation. This can lead to a loss of identity and burnout. To manage it effectively, self-awareness, examining your intentions, and setting boundaries are essential. Childhood trauma, attachment issues, and fear of rejection can reinforce people-pleasing behavior. Self-acceptance, assertiveness, healthy self-interest, autonomy, and authenticity help prevent people-pleasing.
The booklet explores the concept of acknowledgment from various perspectives, including its impact on self-image, attachment, relationships, societal aspects, and cultural influences. It examines the role of acknowledgment in developing self-confidence, building healthy relationships, promoting social inclusion, understanding cultural differences, forming judgments, and managing expectations.
This booklet on self-worth and self-interest explores various themes, such as self-awareness, confidence, authenticity, loyalty, self-reflection, self-acceptance, attachment, codependency, parentification, narcissism, gaslighting, emotional enmeshment, and healthy self-interest. These concepts influence how we see ourselves and how we advocate for our own needs, and they can have both positive and negative effects. Finding a balance between these aspects is essential for personal growth, well-being and success.
Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior PhD George A. Kohlrieser: "I am pleased to give permission to include the quotes from 'Hostage at the Table' in the booklets that Training Coaching Groningen publishes. It is a commendable intitiative and I believe that the insights shared can make a positive contribution. Thank you for sending me your treasure troves (=schatkamers) of interesting ideas!" George Kohlrieser is een voormalig politiepsycholoog en succesvol gijzelingsonderhandelaar, die de boeken 'Laat je niet gijzelen' en 'Care to dare' heeft geschreven. Op YouTube zijn twee TedTalks van hem te vinden.
To purchase the booklets at Euro 10.00 each (excluding shipping costs), you can order them from an online bookstore (at this moment only in Dutch).
You may also fill out the contact form for books in Englisch, but in that case, the delivery may take a bit longer. Please include the title of the booklets, the quantity you wish to order, and the address where they should be sent.